Sunday, September 19, 2010

{Jesse & Margaret}

"Blessing of the Hands"

These are the hands of your best friend,
young and strong and full of love for you,
that are holding yours on your wedding day,
as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow and forever.

These are the hands that will work along side yours, as together you build your future.
These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years,
and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other.
These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fill your mind.
These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes;
tears of sorrow and tears of joy.
These are the hands that will tenderly hold your children.
These are the hands that will help you to hold your family as one.
These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it.
And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged,
will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.

I simply love is, in my eyes, a beautiful reminder of what 
we are capable of as human beings. The power we have in only our
hands is quite amazing....

The glow & laughter Margaret had today would make anyone smile.
And if that didn't get ya, their light-hearted spirits would have.
Lots of laughter, some tears, some treasured toasts by 'The Dads',
Jesse's Grandma's presence, hot dance moves from back in the college days...
I can only sum it up by saying BEAUTIFUL & FUN.

A beautiful Bride, a handsome Groom & two lovely hearts....
Happy Day to you both!

Much thanks to you for allowing me to be apart of your day.
Enjoy your sneak peek!

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